Dil Chahtha Hai.....
It all looks like a bollywood flick to me…a happy go lucky gang of friends, who stick to each other through thick and thin, setting a sense of grudging admiration in the minds of onlookers .And then BANG!!!!!!! Villain enters the scene, bursts their happiness bubble, throws each of them into different states, no..lets take this internationally, into different countries…one turns into a Columbian drug dealer…one into a rocket scientist.. and one into a priest. And then they live happily-never after…ok,the answer to your obvious question is ,NO.. I haven’t spend the entire week-end watching movies….Its jus that 2 of my good friends have been shifted to different locations ( btw if you are still associating it to the story mentioned above, rockets have always been my fascination ) And if that reason isn’t satisfying enough ,the sandal i am wearing to office today, a by-product of slipping into my sister’s room in the morning is making a high pitched screeching noise much to the amusement of my colleagues around…I should have figured it out when my sister looked sound asleep.. Under normal circumstances, the scene is entirely different and disturbing..so people with heart ailments please skip what follows…it goes like this… you should look at the way she sleeps….You might mistake her for some angel for the faint smile she wears…After minutes of admiring her and most important, getting convinced that she actually is sleeping, I would step my feet into her wardrobe zone.. and then immediately ,some kind of virtual alarm in direct connection with her mouth, triggers and with blasphemous language, she throws me out of the room…..somehow I always fail to notice the instant at which the angel to devil transfiguration takes place….Probably the next time, I will….Coming back to what i was talking about, frankly,its not like these friends whom I am parting with , are my childhood-langoti friends..we met in the work place and bonded good...what annoys me most is the pattern....To make friends, get close with them and then part ways… Somehow good-byes ,have never sounded good to me…So here I am, left all alone in my cubicle with a talking shoe and a bout of depression…
It is at such times that we engage ourselves in self-retrospect…like Who Am I ? What Do I Want From Life? Why Is The Color Of My Eyes Black ? Why Did I Eat The Entire Cake ? Why Is Abhishek Bachan Marrying Aishwarya Rai…Oops,sorry... Change of track…but seriously why is he…???? And to carry out this self-analysis exercise, its always better to first have the suicide squad number handy …So that again is ruled out, leaving myself with only two choices. 1) to prepare for SCJP or 2) write my first post for the blog,that I had been planning to create for very long (If u guys are wondering why I haven't mentioned anything about the "four letter word" a.k.a WORK , I have some special sentiments behind it…I have placed it in equivalence to Lord Voldemort… He who is not to be spoken of…and I am sure I can expect you guys to respect my sentiments :) ) Sad jokes apart, this moment, missing my friends, the time I spent with them in school, college, canteen , pretended basket ball practice, culturals, bus ,training, coffee-breaks ,it struck me that I could never think of a better subject, timing and space to prelude my blog…This post is dedicated to all you guys who have touched my life in different ways…To satiate my own wandering soul,would end with a wise-crack that somebody recently shared…
"I Would Summarize My Understanding Of Life In Three Words :IT GOES ON –Robert Frost "
(( NOTE- trust me guys ,you don’t have to search for the SCJP e-books now, I promise I will try keeping myself away for some time .) ))
It is at such times that we engage ourselves in self-retrospect…like Who Am I ? What Do I Want From Life? Why Is The Color Of My Eyes Black ? Why Did I Eat The Entire Cake ? Why Is Abhishek Bachan Marrying Aishwarya Rai…Oops,sorry... Change of track…but seriously why is he…???? And to carry out this self-analysis exercise, its always better to first have the suicide squad number handy …So that again is ruled out, leaving myself with only two choices. 1) to prepare for SCJP or 2) write my first post for the blog,that I had been planning to create for very long (If u guys are wondering why I haven't mentioned anything about the "four letter word" a.k.a WORK , I have some special sentiments behind it…I have placed it in equivalence to Lord Voldemort… He who is not to be spoken of…and I am sure I can expect you guys to respect my sentiments :) ) Sad jokes apart, this moment, missing my friends, the time I spent with them in school, college, canteen , pretended basket ball practice, culturals, bus ,training, coffee-breaks ,it struck me that I could never think of a better subject, timing and space to prelude my blog…This post is dedicated to all you guys who have touched my life in different ways…To satiate my own wandering soul,would end with a wise-crack that somebody recently shared…
"I Would Summarize My Understanding Of Life In Three Words :IT GOES ON –Robert Frost "
(( NOTE- trust me guys ,you don’t have to search for the SCJP e-books now, I promise I will try keeping myself away for some time .) ))
I dint understand a single word you wrote.. but here's a tip - make use of punctuation marks. They really help!
Anyways, a big hi-5 for the attempt and looking forward to reading more posts in future.
Btw, was just wondering - which wise-crack friend of yours shared that brilliant line by Robert Frost? ;)
thanx Sri,vids n Arafat...((take down guys, RULE NO 1:pretending to be truthful and placin' friends in channe ka jhaad sure does help in drawing them to ur blog... :) ))
hey Adel...thanx for the comment...punctuation marks,huh ?...damn it!! my grammar teacher did have a point....will certainly remember that the next time...btw have done a few changes in this as well...so u see, ur constructive criticism has been taken with best spirits and would be expecting more of it the next time (sniff...tissues plzzzzzz)
Good one rabi..
I dint know u could write sooo..uhh..umm..WELL...ivlo english theryuma unaku ?!?!?!!
Its awesome..i managed to get like 4 outta the whole lot of lines into my head..despite the fact that i'm not supposed to strain my brain!!!
keep it comin..but keep ur sentences short and ur point straight..
ur ardent fan.. ;)
hey devs,
finally,my blog is blessed with ur comment..thanx di..yeah,i know there has been a lot of confusing moments in the post..cant blame.. coz that was the exact state of mind when i wrote that...but certainly will take care of it the next time....
hey rabs!
Welcome to the world of bloggers!! nice start!.. looking forward to more.... now now.. shudn u b glad i graced ur blog wit my presence :P hehe.. anyways.. i'm blogrolling u! :)
Hey good one mach.. this is sush btw. n which sis r u talkin abt???:))
hey lux.the "grace ur blog " part..what do i say...u jus spoke my mind... :)
hey sush..thanx a lot mach...the "sis" cud be be who else but Yasmeen...now plz don mention the other "who elses" i borrow from...
Hi rabiya!that really was good!one of the best blogs i've read so far!kep t up!u certainly put a smile on my face. cheers!!!
how true! absolutely concur wit u on the pattern thing!!
nice one..
is something wrong wit my eyes?? er...wher did the talk on pattern vanish to?
er...sry, bad conn here... page din
load properly..
5 mins ago, i saw ur post on v-day n now i dont..
xcuse the server :)
hey Bluechild..thanx ...mus say ur comment not only make me smile but also gloat..for wierd reasons,wud like to refer u by ur name...do let me know...
hey Kb...the only thing constant is "change"..the same goes wit pattern .)
thanx Sudheer...will try givin my best .)
its really a good one. coulnt stop smiling while reading. u write much like the way u speak.. getting distracted.. started with ur friends leaving u and took out ur frustration on ur poor sis who was always kind enough to grant u permission 2 use her stuff..jus one more question... did she read this???????
hey rabiya... a gud one buddy... but seriously shud abhishek be marrying aish... i think he deserves someone better..nyways coming back to ur blog..u ve inspired me in creating one..
yeah...i feel the same.. he deserves better...bad he doesn't visit chennai much :)
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